Renault Clio 1998 S REG GRANDE 1.2 PROBLEM? Help?!
This is my 1.2 1998 Renault Clio Grande. The engine ticks over fine, put the car into 1st gear. As i lift the clutch the whole car starts making an awful noise!
This is my 1.2 1998 Renault Clio Grande. The engine ticks over fine, put the car into 1st gear. As i lift the clutch the whole car starts making an awful noise!
Another video of my 1.2 1998 Renault Clio Grande. The engine ticks over fine, put the car into 1st gear. As i lift the clutch the whole car sounds starts making an ...
World Racing 2 Just a cruise because it don't have WR2 damage, dirt and scratch. Renault Clio I (1990-1998): - Cockpit - WR1 ...
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