Volvo 360 1983 video and test drives

Produced by Volvo
Model Volvo 360

Selected HD video reviews and test drives of Volvo 360 from YouTube. Such as: Volvo 360 GLT 1983 Trafikmagasinet, Volvo 360 Sedan '1983–91, (スウェーデン) 1983年 ボルボ360GLT E-3B19型 VOLVO 360 GLT., Volvo 360 5 door '1983–91, Volvo 360 hacking O's at helensville skid comp, Winter tandem drifting - Volvo 360 & Mazda 929, ...

Volvo 360 GLT 1983 Trafikmagasinet

Volvo 360 GLT 1983 Trafikmagasinet.

Volvo 360 Sedan '1983–91

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(スウェーデン) 1983年 ボルボ360GLT E-3B19型 VOLVO 360 GLT.

1976年に発表された、ボルボとしては事実上初めての小型車。オランダのDAF を吸収した後にボルボが最初に世に送り出したクルマであり、元の企画...

Volvo 360 5 door '1983–91

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Volvo 360 hacking O's at helensville skid comp

1983 volvo 360 2.0 sohc carby + locky = some good fun New Zealand , Auckland , Skids , popping tyres.

Winter tandem drifting - Volvo 360 & Mazda 929

Drifting on a closed course.

Cold starting an old Volvo 360 (1989)

My dear Volvo 360 with B200K carburator engine, has been sitting still for the past winter. Time to fire up the old bugger so it wont freeze up completely before ...

Выезд Volvo 360 for 1500$

Запуск и долгожданный выезд из гаража, не много "жогова" на новой резине. А еще у меня появился оператор!

Volvo 360 GLT RSX1 1987 very rare @ Volvo classic car event


Volvo 360 GL

Toimittaja Joose Luukkanen testaamassa kasariklassikkoa.

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Other versions of Volvo 360 1983

Volvo 360 1983
Volvo 360 GLS 1982
Volvo 360 GLT 1982
Volvo 360 1985
Volvo 360 GL 1985
Volvo 360 GLT 1985
Volvo 360 1983
Volvo 360 GLS 1982
Volvo 360 GLT 1982
Volvo 360 1985
Volvo 360 GL 1985
Volvo 360 GLT 1985
Volvo 360 GLS 1983
Volvo 360 GLE 1983
Volvo 360 1985
Volvo 360 GL 1985
Volvo 360 GLT 1986
Volvo 360 GLE 1985
Volvo 360 2.0 1988
Volvo 360 2.0i 1988
Volvo 360 GL 1988
Volvo 360 GLT 1988


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