Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Diesel GL 1982 video and test drives

Produced by Volkswagen
Model Volkswagen Santana

Selected HD video reviews and test drives of Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Diesel GL from YouTube. Such as: VW Santana 1.6 1982 shift light + ekonomizer, VW Santana 1.6 TD Turbodiesel Motor Leerlauf, MOTOR VOLKSWAGEN AMAZON, 1982 Volkswagen Quantum, ...

VW Santana 1.6 1982 shift light + ekonomizer

VW Santana 1.6 TD Turbodiesel Motor Leerlauf


Después de un choque, llevar a cabo la restauración de un vehículo es una ardua tarea, pero a la vez divertida. El caso de un Volkswagen Amazon.

1982 Volkswagen Quantum

Volkswagen of America, Inc.

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Other versions of Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Diesel GL 1982

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Volkswagen Santana 1.6 75hp GL 1982
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Volkswagen Santana 1.6 85hp CL 1982
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 85hp GL 1982
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 85hp LX 1982
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 85hp GX 1982
Volkswagen Santana 1.8 CX 1983
Volkswagen Santana 1.8 LX 1983
Volkswagen Santana 1.8 GX 1983
Volkswagen Santana 1.9 CL 1982
Volkswagen Santana 1.9 GL 1982
Volkswagen Santana 1.9 GX 1982
Volkswagen Santana 2.0 GX 1983
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Diesel CL 1982
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Diesel CX 1983
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Diesel LX 1982
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Diesel GX 1984
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Turbo Diesel CX 1983
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Turbo Diesel LX 1982
Volkswagen Santana 1.6 Turbo Diesel GX 1982


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