至尊旗艦 BMW ActiveHybrid 7L
後座買家的首選車款BMW 7-Series,其中唯一的油電混合車型ActiveHybrid 7L,搭載與750相同的4.4升雙渦輪增壓引擎,多了電力的輔助,讓ActiveHybrid 7L的馬力.
後座買家的首選車款BMW 7-Series,其中唯一的油電混合車型ActiveHybrid 7L,搭載與750相同的4.4升雙渦輪增壓引擎,多了電力的輔助,讓ActiveHybrid 7L的馬力.
Test drive of the active Hybrid 7.
2011 BMW Active7 Hybrid Test Drive.
The 2013 BMW ActiveHybrid 7 delivers a level of fuel efficiency that belies its full-size luxury flagship status.
Buyers expect a lot from flagship luxury cars. Anything with a six-figure price tag should do it all. The hybrid version of the BMW 7 Series fits the bill pretty well, ...